What is ecological negotiation?

Ecological Negotiation is a negotiation whose object and consequences go beyond purely anthropocentric considerations and directly affect the future of nature.

For a long time, decisions about the future of nature have been made unilaterally between policy makers and promoters. Administrative procedures aimed at informing the public of a new project did not allow for a real sharing of knowledge about the local natural context, nor to obtain a real influence in the final decision-making.

Based on the work of a thesis in law, we realize that the law applicable to environmental impact studies could allow nature to be better defended in negotiations that may have consequences for its future.

To improve the consideration of nature in negotiations, a group of researchers and environmental engineering companies, called Nego-Eco ©, develops research and innovation in two main areas:

– training of actors in ecological negotiation

– development of methodologies and tools for decision support

These approaches allow a constant improvement of the consideration of nature in the decisions that concern it.

The goal is to tighten the human-nature links and better translate the influences of one on the other.

For this, it is necessary to better understand how the law is built and how each actor can find his place to act.

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