Summary: Environmental issues are sources of serious conflict between people, communities, regions and countries. Normative dispersal in the environmental legal system hampers the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This reality gives rise to a particular and growing field of action, which highlights a difficult societal and geopolitical context in terms of cooperation and collaboration. The need to address climate change, protect biodiversity and share a use Sustainable, equitable and sustainable natural resources require environmental governance at different levels – local, national, regional and international, involving all sectors – citizens. governments of economic agents to organized civil society in the third sector. It is in this context that environmental diplomacy emerges in a perspective of sustainability. The legal concept of environmental diplomacy in the broad sense faces challenges in terms of identifying its purpose, methodology, actors involved, implementation instruments and measurement mechanisms.
On this occasion, Séverine Borderon-Carrez, President and co-founder of the International Institute for Ecological Negotiation (INNE) will highlight the tools of ecological revival developed within the Institute.
She will discuss current international environmental issues, the limitations of existing environmental diplomacy tools to present the Institute’s 2019-2020 work program. It will speak of bonds, of Love, of Peace and of surpassing oneself in the service of the Unity that humanity forms in its relation with Nature and the Planet. It will have to be seen to believe it, but many tools are already in place to solve many conflicts …
Time is up for action. There will also be some good cooperation, both academic and operational, to drive the implementation of a number of INNE’s activities in the various countries represented at the Symposium, namely Portugal, Brazil and France.
Environmental Diplomacy and Environmental Negotiation – Colloquium of October 14, 2019 – University of Coimbra (Portugal)